5 Jan 2019

Machine Learning ready

Welcome to the world of machine learning and computer vision

The basic programming language for basic machine learning is python so first let us install it


What it is

It is a custom python interpreter.

Is it necessary for me to install??

A default version of python is already pre-installed in mac and linux os.

But its better to use anaconda because it contains all the required files and libraries pre installed

How to install

Simple Go to official anaconda website here and type this commnad

bash Anaconda*.sh

The install time is approx 5-6 mins (It depends on your processor). While installing it will also ask weather to install visual studio code its better if you install that also.

Install the libraries

Yea now bwfore we start with installing the libraries it is better to create a virtual environment so that they do not form any problem when you want to use a different versio of the libraries.

THis following step is totally optional

Create a virtual environment

conda create -n ml

By doing so it will create a virual environment

To install libraries in that environment, we need to first go to that environment how to do it?

source activate ml(for mac and linux) activate ml(for windows)

Install the libraries

First we need to download the libraries so make sure a stable internet connection is present.And dont worry about syntax for operating system The following instructions are common to all os

We will install the following libraries one by one

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib
  • opencv
  • tensorflow
  • keras


This library is mostly present before only but still no harm in doing so

conda install -c conda-forge numpy


conda install -c conda-forge scipy


conda install -c conda-forge pandas


conda install -c conda-forge scikit-learn


conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib


pip install opencv-python


conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow


conda install -c conda-forge keras
